Okapi Calf Shakes Her Zebra Butt!

Awww! Look at that little cutie prancing around!
A healthy baby Okapi calf was born at Dallas Zoo back on August 14th.
The little babe was named Almasi and though born weighing only 47-pounds, she’s now up to 190-pounds!!
Just this past weekend she finally made her debut at the zoo’s outdoor Okapi habitat.
The vice president of animal operations and welfare at the Dallas Zoo said:

“Almasi├óΓé¼Γäós birth is another major success in efforts to ensure that this incredible animal species survives. The Dallas Zoo has a long history of caring for and learning about Okapi, and we will continue to be a leader in the fight to educate the world to protect these animals.”

That’s so ahmayzing! Way to help the species out, Dallas Zoo!
Check out the video (above) to see this cutie shake her zebra butt!