On Sale Now!

CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets for our first ever Perez Hilton Presents concert, Sunday, September 30th at 7 PM at the El Rey theater in Los Angeles.

Tickets are only $6.90. That’s right, you didn’t read that wrong.

Tickets come out to $10 even with the Ticketmaster fee and if you pick up your tickets at will call then you won’t be charged anything else. Just $10 total. That’s less than a movie in some places!

We are keeping ticket prices ridiculously low because we want to get as many Perezcious readers as possible to come out and experience the magical night of music and entertainment we have planned.

Plus, this is an all-ages show!

The artists we have lined up for the show are AMAZING and you can’t beat this price!

All performers will be announced over the next several days.

You won’t want to miss this!

CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets now.