One Direction's Harry Styles Passed Out In Rochelle Wiseman's Dog Basket! The More You Know!

Aww, Harry! HaHa!!
This might just be the cutest thing we’ve ever learned about any of the One Direction boys! And we bet the zealous fans will agree!!
Saturdays singer Rochelle Wiseman once held a house-party with the home she shares with hubby Marvin Humes, and she says Harry Styles actually passed out in her dog basket that night!
She recalls the evening like this:

“I remember one time Harry fell asleep in my dog’s bed! The boys were all at our house having a party and having a great time. Marvin BlackBerried me a photo and there was a body asleep in Tiger’s bed. It was Harry! In there on his own, having a nap in the dog’s bed, all curled up.”

Sounds like someone was havin’ A LOT of fun that night!!
We’d love to see that photo, Rochelle!! 😉
[Image via WENN.]