Happy Birthday, Liam Payne! 20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate His Official Adulthood!


We’ve been waiting for this day, uh, can we say all year??

It’s Liam Payne‘s 20th birthday and we want to run around Wolverhampton singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of our lungs!

He may be Daddy Direction, Captain Sensible, Puppy Payne, or whichever you want to call him, but Liam has clearly blossomed in the past three years to be one of the hottest members of One Direction!

We want to thank U, Liam for your beautiful transition into adulthood, and while we always thought you were adorable as this…

…we most definitely appreciate the insanely hot growth spurt! Ha! One thing’s for sure, that infectious smile has never changed!

And now, millions of fans around the world want to celebrate with you, Liam! Just wash the bad, lonely memories of your 16th birthday aside because You…Are…PER-FECT.

CLICK HERE to view “20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate Liam Payne’s Official Adulthood!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate Liam Payne’s Official Adulthood!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate Liam Payne’s Official Adulthood!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate Liam Payne’s Official Adulthood!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Delicious GIFs To Celebrate Liam Payne’s Official Adulthood!”