Oprah Gives Back To The Community With Her Massive Hawaiian Farm!

Now that Oprah isn’t busy with daytime television, she has plenty of extra time on her hands!
So what has she been up to these days?? What any of us do with our time off! Tending to her 16 acre farm in Maui, of course!
With a little help from her good friend and health expert Bob Greene, Oprah recently bought the huge property and teamed up with Bio-Logical Capital in hopes of giving back to the community!
Right now most of the produce in the Hawaiian island is brought in from the outside, which is VERY expensive. But by growing food locally, she hopes to cut cost while also reducing the carbon footprint left behind from all of the shipments!
The farm spitss out about 145 of food each week, and they’ve been donating most of it to local restaurants and non profit organizations!
Leave it to Oprah to find a way to roll up her sleeves and help out the environment, one beet at a time! Way to go!
[Image via O Magazine.]