Orlando Bloom Stays In Character To Tell Woman -- Twice -- To Put Her iPad Away In The Middle Of A Killer Joe Performance!

People, seriously, stop trying to secretly film live theater, it’s not going to work!!
Orlando Bloom proved that on Thursday when, during a matinee production of his West End play Killer Joe, he TWICE called out a woman for trying to film on her iPad during the show — and he apparently never broke character to do it!!
Video: Orlando Is Going To Be Katy Perry’s “Sexy Sperm Donor”!
Eyewitnesses who were in the theater at the time, came out afterwards to tweet about the apparent incident, and at least four different stories seemed to confirm what we’ve been hearing: that Bloom is a bad-ass who doesn’t give a shit about your iPad during live theater!!
Ch-ch-check out some of the tweet highlights to get a full sense of what must have happened (below):

Killer Joe doesn’t mess around!!
Apparently, the woman was using the iPad to… charge an electric fan in the hot theater?!
No, seriously (below):

Weird… but seriously, if you’re that woman, how does it take TWO call-outs from Orlando to finally put it away??
Related: Katy *Accidentally* Posted A Sexy Comment On Orlando’s IG
How do you not learn to put the iPad away after the first incident?! Crazy!!!
Thoughts, Perezcious readers?! Share ’em in the comments (below)!!
[Image via WENN.]