DRAMA! Orlando Bloom Threw A Punch At Justin Bieber In Ibiza! Get The Details HERE!

WHOA! Looks like Orlando Bloom doesn’t take shiz from anybody!
Especially not Justin Bieber!
The pair were at a party early Wednesday morning in Ibiza at Cipriani restaurant when they had a bit of an awkward run-in.
Back before Orly divorced Miranda Kerr it was reported that she was spotted flirting HEAVILY with the Biebs!
A couple months later, Orly was spotted out with Selena Gomez, so it seems like these two must be at odds with one another.
So, Bieber being the child person that he is, decided to stir the pot and yelled at Orlando saying:

‘What up, bitch?’

Which, Orlando clearly didn’t like because eyewitnesses report that after the pair had some words it escalated into Orlando actually throwing a PUNCH at the Biebs!
Well, fearing for his face reputation, Bieber fled the restaurant since ya know, he wouldn’t dare fight back.
It looks to us like Orlando wanted some payback for the whole Miranda flirting with Bieber thing, but who knows!
Maybe Justin was talking shit and Orlando wanted to get even!
Guess we’ll just have to wait to find out!
[Image via WENN.]