Osama Puts The Blame On Adnan!

As we’ve mentioned before, several people from Britney Spears‘ camp have testified that Osama Lutfi has been contacting Brit Brit through text messages.
But leave it to a douchebag to place the blame on everyone else!
In a declaration filed by Lutfi with the court, he states that he never had any direct contact with Spears. But he does say that Brit Brit messaged HIM!!! He adds that he never contacted her directly, instead doing it through her former loser of an ex, Adnan Ghalib and a few others.
Lutfi claims that “I did not initiate any direct communication with Britney Spears. Although I did receive text messages from her, all responses to those messages were conveyed to Britney through others, including … Adnan Ghalib.”
Osama also claims that he never threatened “any act of violence against Britney or her family.”
Threats don’t have to be physical to hurt. Psychological damage is just as bad!
[Image via WENN.]