Osama Still Beefing With The Spears'

Britney Spears and Company are life-ruiners, according to Osama Lutfi.

Forgot about him for a minute, didn’t you? Well, here’s a refresher!

The tool was Brit-Brit’s former buddy and manager, until her ‘rents kicked his ass to the curb. Now, the genius is trying to sue the pop star and her parents for defamation.

Osama’s newest addition to the lawsuit is a claim against Lynne Spears‘ book about her famous daughter, insisting it’s a bunch of bull, in particular the section in which Sam had told her privately that “he secretly ground up pills and put them in Britney’s food.”

So now, Osama says he “fears” for his life as he was constantly “harassed and cajoled by the public” and is pushing right ahead with this suit.

Oh, and if you needed anymore proof that the guy is a loser, guess who he presented as one of his character witnesses: Adnan Ghalib.



Gives him something to do, we guess.

[Image via WENN.]