Pageant Perfect Leg Workout!

If you watched the Miss USA contest earlier this year, you might have noticed the shapely legs on many of the contestants, indicating the importance of strength training to sculpt lean muscle on your thighs, glutes and calves.
Lean muscle improves the overall appearance of your lower half and also helps to diminish the appearance of cellulite. It also changes the shape of your silhouette, lifting and firming your glutes, which is a must when you are rocking that bikini by the pool or wearing your favorite skinny jeans!
You don’t have to be Miss USA to try my leg workout below. This routine is designed for anyone that wants to sculpt their own pair of pageant perfect pins! You can do this up to 3 times per week on non consecutive days. Add weight as you get stronger or to increase the intensity. The best thing about this workout is that it can be done at home in your living room while you watch TV! All you need is a skipping rope and bit of space to complete the exercises listed AFTER THE JUMP!

Courtney Barber‘s Pageant Perfect Pyramid Leg Workout
100 Reps Jump Rope
90 Mountain Climbers
80 Body Weight Squats
70 Reps Jump Rope
60 Walking Lunges (30 each leg)
50 Donkey Kicks (25 each leg)
40 Reps Jump Rope
30 Glute Bridge
20 Plie Pulses
10 Jump Squats
Rest & Repeat, starting at the bottom!
Now we have worked your legs, make sure you also hit that upper body!
Courtney is always here to help! Check out her website HERE or facebook HERE and don’t forget to follow her on twitter @CourtneyBFit! And if U wanna know more about legs OR anything else, U can always email us at!!