HOLY S**T! Daredevil Paraglider Flies With A Couch & TV -- You Have To See This To Believe It!

This is absolutely crazy… and so freakin’ cool!

A paragliding instructor and adrenaline junkie in Turkey rigged up a sofa and a television set to a paragliding apparatus, and created the ultimate couch potato situation. With this, as you can see in the video (above), Hasan Kaval is able to hang out, watch TV, eat chips, drink a soda… oh yeah, all while he’s a few thousand feet off the ground, flying through the air!!! Horrifying!!!

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Seriously, there’s so much to say about the video (above), and you’ve got to watch it all to believe it. Such a crazy, ridiculous thing to attempt, but he makes it seem so… easy? Safe? Normal?! Unreal!!!

Low key the best part is at the very, very end, after he lands safely again and he keeps eating the chips out of his bag. Just like it’s another day at home watching Netflix or something. LOLz!!!!

Suddenly, we’re feeling very self-conscious about our basic couch potato set-up too, ya know?! Ha!

What do U think of this video, Perezcious readers?! AH-mazing isn’t it?! We want to hear from you! Sound OFF in the comments down (below)!