Paris Hilton Pulled Over For Speeding In Beverly Hills!

Paris Hilton has a golden ticket…from the City of Los Angeles?

Paris was pulled over in the streets of Beverly Hills for speeding on Thursday. How reckless, how…oh, she was only going 42 miles per hour in a 25 mile per hour zone? Not exactly Vin Diesel in Fast 6.

When the cop got off his motorcycle and approached her car, she pretended to be on her cell phone, because if there’s one thing that cops love it’s people in cars using their cell phone!

Paris, you of all people should know there’s no escaping the long arm of the law. Although it’s only a small citation, knowing LA, if she doesn’t pay it on time, the citation will be roughly the same cost as her car.


[Image via Thumbs42/FameFlynet Pictures.]