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Paris Jackson Gets ANOTHER Tattoo Following Her Milestone 18th Birthday While Prince Jackson Also Joins In On The Ink Fun!

Paris Jackson Gets ANOTHER Tattoo Following Her Milestone 18th Birthday While Prince Jackson Also Joins In On The Ink Fun!

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It looks like Paris Jackson is addicted to ink!
Just a few days after Paris got a tattoo in honor of her late father Michael Jackson, the 18-year-old visited the parlor shop AGAIN for round two. To make the outing even more exciting, Ms. Jackson’s big bro Prince Jackson also tagged a long for his shot at some body art.
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Hmm… we guess the family that inks together, stays together!
While Paris’ tribute to her poppa was touching enough, she decided to honor her grandma Katherine Jackson to up the aww factor of her previous visit. The two have always been extremely close but became even more tight when Michael passed away in June of 2009.
Check out J.P.s sweet artwork (below)!

“K├ç┼╜is├â┬¿l├â┬¡n” for Grandma Katherine, done by the ink goddess herself @thetattooprincess. Love you, G-Ma.A photo posted by Paris-Michael K. Jackson (@parisjackson) on Apr 6, 2016 at 10:23pm PDT

How nice! We wonder what Paris’ grammy actually thinks of this new tatt… though we have no doubt the new adult’s boyfriend Michael Snoddy will love it. Michael is COVERED in tattoos!
Oh, and for those who are wondering, the ink on the lovely gal’s wrist is Mandarin for “Kaiselin”. We assume that name is somehow related to Katherine’s own moniker.
As for Prince, he opted for a more serious and slightly grim body piece.
According to Instagram, Mr. Jackson got Anubis, the Greek god of funerals and death, on his upper right shoulder blade. The rendering of Anubis looks pretty sinister considering he’s holding a bloody blade!
Check out the dark tattoo (below)!
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Wow! So intense!
Well, as long as Paris and Prince are happy, so are we! Just do you!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Apr 07, 2016 12:22pm PDT

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