Food For Thought For Smokers

Trying to quit smoking is definitely hard. So hard, in fact, that it takes an average of 3-4 attempts to successfully kick the habit, but did you know eating the right food could help make it easier?

No? Good. Neither did we.

Withdrawal symptoms from quitting include irritability, low moods, insomnia and weight gain, but can be bypassed with the right diet.

Irritability can be the most severe for quitters during the first few days in mid-morning, when powerful cravings for nicotine add to reduced blood sugar.

A lot of smokers make a habit of skipping breakfast, which aggravates low blood sugar and is exactly why quitters must focus on eating small and regular snacks of slowly released sugars like a slice of multi-grain bread or a bowl of whole-grain cereal.

Dried apricots, apples, pears, low-fat yoghurts, oatcakes are also ideal to maintain blood sugar levels during the morning as well as create a calming effect.

Nicotine often helps boost concentration for smokers, so quitters may find themselves a little lost after lunch, but a protein meal like lean meat, fish, or eggs in the afternoon could maintain alertness.

For those quitters who just can’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to have a cigarette in their mouth, try chewing a piece of sugar-free gum to keep your mind off that cigarette.

Finally, avoid any caffeine 4 hours before bedtime. 25% of quitters report trouble sleeping at night so a hot, milky drink like Camomile tea may also be a good idea to help you relax while it releases gentle sedatives.

This isn’t a magic recipe for success, but sounds like it will definitely make chances for success a little higher.

[Image via AP Images.]