Paul Rudd Helps Couple Announce Their Incoming Baby! So Cute!

Bill Murray has started a new trend amongst celebrities!

Paul Rudd is viewed as one of Hollywood's good guys, and this latest photograph seems to confirm that!

The actor recently had a chance to help a couple – who had just received some very good news – announce they were going to have a baby!

Well, Paul decided to oblige the couple with a brilliant cameo picture featuring himself and sign that references one of his greatest movies: Knocked Up!

Here Paul Rudd is holding up a sign that reads, "She's Knocked Up," next to the enthused couple!

Look at the smiles on this husband and wife — it's clear that Mr. Rudd has made their day!!!

Bill Murray better watch out! Paul Rudd is coming to take his throne as the best celebrity who pops up for public cameos…ever!!!

[Image via IMGUR.]