Pippa Middleton Is A Bronzed Beauty At The Boodles Boxing Ball

Auntie Pippa!

Pippa Middleton successfully begged off baby-sitting duties to attend the Boodles Boxing Ball charity event in London on Saturday.

Obviously, she would’ve rather been hanging out with Prince George, but Pips looked happy to be out on the town with lovah Nico Jackson.

The possible future godmother was faboosh in a two-toned Catherine Deane gown with a criss-crossed bodice and burnt orange skirt. Not as fabby as her sister’s first post-baby red carpet appearance, but still respectable.

And we’d really like to know how she maintains her tan in foggy London. We hope her bronze glow comes courtesy of a bottle and NOT damaging UV rays.

Just looking out for you, Pippa!

[Image via Pacific Coast News.]