No, There Isn't A Street In Brooklyn Named After #PizzaRat! But You Can Thank Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt For The Rumor!

The legend of #PizzaRat lives on.
In what has to be his 150th minute of fame, the rat that crawled his way into everyone’s heart may just have had his strangest update yet.
That’s because in addition to a sexy Halloween costume in his likeness, a rumor was going around on Friday that the pizza fiend had been immortalized in the middle of New York with a street named Pizza Rat Boulevard…
Related: Forget Pizza… #BurritoRat Is The Newest Trend!
And the craziest thing is that the sign’s legit! Check it out (below):

The only problem, though, is that while the sign is really there, it’s actually just a prop for Season Two of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. LOLz!!!
Apparently, Tina Fey and Ellie Kemper must have really loved the viral vermin a lot to give him his own gag on their hit Netflix series.
Would U live on a street named after America’s favorite rodent??
[Image via Fred Benenson/Instagram.]