Police ARE Investigating Playboy Model Dani Mathers Over That Naked Body Shaming Photo!

Dani Mathers is getting what’s coming to her.
Last week, the Playboy model took a photo of a naked woman in a gym locker room and posted it to Snapchat with a mean spirited caption making fun of the woman’s body.
The 29-year-old’s accidentally public post erupted into a social media firestorm of critics who called out Mathers for body shaming an unwitting woman — which caused the model to make a half-assed apology and delete her social media accounts.
Related: Dani Lost Her Job Over Body Shaming Nude Pics!
As many Twitter commenters pointed out, Mathers’ invasive photo wasn’t only incredibly terrible, but also illegal. And it looks like the LAPD agrees — because authorities are now officially investigating the incident!
On Sunday, Police Captain Andrew Neiman told The Los Angeles Times the department received a report of “illegal distribution” of the photo and detectives are currently investigating.
LA Fitness, the gym where the photo was taken, reported the posting to the police and revoked Mathers’ membership.
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Though it’s not yet clear whether Mathers will be facing criminal charges, critics are petitioning that the 2015 Playmate of the Year should be arrested for privacy violation.
The Change.org petition — which already has over 25,000 signatures — states that Mathers clearly violated the video voyeurism act, and should be charged accordingly.
Can’t really argue based on the wording — nowhere in the law does it say “unless it’s meant to just go to a friend’s phone.”
We’ll see what comes out of the investigation, but it’s safe to say things aren’t looking so hot for the model.
[Image via Facebook.]