Police Dogs In Training

Boy, they sure do start em’ young!
In London, police forces have already begun picking puppies from numerous breeders to begin their training as police dogs for the London Olympics in 2012.
It’s an important job these dogs have! Many will be raised and trained to control crowds, while others must tackle the threat of bombs – being station throughout the Olympic village, sniffing everything from packages, to cars for explosives.
Dogs aren’t only going to be found in the Olympic Village. England is increasing the number of dogs in airports to check incoming baggage for explosive devices.
Not every dog will make the cut though, since what they are doing has the potential to save lives – only the best can be selected.
While it is a very important matter, it is also cute! Seeing the puppies being selected, mirroring the athletes, training for the olympics, which is now only a short two years away.
We have faith in the canine patrols!
Will U be attending the 2012 London Olympics to see some of the dogs!?