Portion Control With Mario Batali!

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again — and we’ll say it until we’re unable to — MODERATION IS KEY!
It’s about balance, it’s not about starvation. It’s about that middle ground so you don’t lose control!
Mario Batali agrees, and he offered up his ideas on portion control:

“There are things that are delicious that you can splurge on. There are things that are delicious that aren’t a splurge at all. And then there are some things that you know aren’t that good for you, but you do it every now and then because there’s some kind of emotional attachment or there’s some kind of historical perspective or some kind of celebration.”

Boom! He put it perfectly!
This is how everyone should think — being healthy and fit does not have to be a punishment in your life!
Just be smart, and remember:
Moderation is key!
[Image via WENN.]