Pregnant Woman Thrown To Ground By NYPD Cop Gets Caught On Video & Rightfully Prompts Internal Investigation

This is awful!
A horrific incident happened this past Saturday in Sunset Park in Brooklyn, New York, and it was caught on video!
The terribleness involved an NYPD officer from the 72nd Precinct throwing a pregnant woman down onto her belly and then arresting her – putting her and her unborn baby in serious danger!
The woman’s name is Sandra Amezquita, and she became involved with the police as they were arresting her 17-year-old son for possession of a knife clipped to his belt… and it was his cries that prompted her to get physical.
But the police officer wrongly decided to use excessive force on the pregnant woman. Excessive force that left her with vaginal bleeding and bruises on her arm and stomach. When she was first thrown to the ground, she feared the worst. And even now she still has abdominal pains. She said:

“I was afraid something happened to my baby. I am still afraid that something is wrong.”

Hopefully that’s not the case! Although community organizers have mentioned that she’s been suffering from physical complications since. And to add insult to injury, literally, she was charged with disorderly conduct.
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And her husband, who was also charged on that fateful night, could NOT believe what happened. He said:

“The first thing I thought was they killed my baby and they’re going to kill my wife. You would think the police would respect a woman that is pregnant.”

The NYPD has since stated that the officer in question and his conduct is currently under investigation. They said in a statement:

“The incident is under review by our Internal Affairs Bureau.”

What’s infuriating for a lot of people is that this is the second officer from the 72nd precinct who is in trouble in less than a week. Another officer was recently suspended for being captured on camera striking a food vendor.
And what’s scary is that these cops probably are only being punished because they were caught on tape!
Otherwise, their word would probably count for more than their victims!
Check out the horrific video and more information on this story down (below) !!!