William Shatner: Priceline's Killing Me Off!

We bet he shat himself as soon as he heard.. womp womp!!
After selling Priceline for 14 years (wow, has it really been that long?), the company has decided to give William Shatner the ax… by literally killing him off in the new commercial!!!
In an ad to debut next week, Shatner rescues travelers off a crazy train running into death itself. His last words? “Save yourselves! Save money!!”
And then BOOM! He’s dead.
Shatner said he’s grieving, especially since this isn’t the first iconic character of his to die. Aww… awkward!! LOL!!
He also said he’ll make them pay through the nose since he’s still under contract. Hey, at least he knows his legal worth!
No need to frown, Shatz! You’ve got Broadway comin’ up!! Who needs a commercial!?!
[Image via Dominic Chan/WENN.]