Prince Harry Reveals One Of His Greatest Fears, But Will #FeelNoShame On World AIDS Day!

Just look at that brave face!
Despite the fact that Prince Harry has made hundreds of speeches in his short life, they still make him nervous.
And he’s not afraid to tell people about it!
[ Related: Harry Adorably Taunts Kids Into Beating Him At Rugby! ]
The 30-year-old royal made a video for the #FeelNoShame campaign on World AIDS day, aka December 1st, where he confessed to feeling shame about his fear of public speaking.
Aww! But he’s always so brilliant!
Since he’s the founder of Sentebale, an organization that helps fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Lesotho, Africa, he felt it was his duty to speak out and face his fear head on.
Ch-ch-check it out (above) and share your own stories! Today, we #FeelNoShame!