Chris Brown's Probation Officer Will Be Looking Into GMA Tantrum

Experts believe that Chris Brown‘s probation officer will be taking a close look at the tantrum that he threw at the GMA office this morning.
Even if legally no charges are pressed, it looks like the probation officer still has some courses of action.
The main worry for the officer is to find out why he acted this way and allegedly broke the window, in case there are probation-breaking circumstances that led to the fit.
Here’s what was said:

“It’s just not breaking the window that’s problematic. The behavior itself is problematic. It’s difficult to say if it will actually be a violation [of probation] — he may have an opportunity to present whatever kind of defense he has. But it will definitely capture the attention of his probation officer, who will take a look at it and probably have a talk with him about it.”

We hope he does take a look at it, because something is definitely not right with that guy!
He continues:

“The bigger question is, ‘What’s going on in his mind, and why is he reacting like this?’ And is there anything that’s destabilizing his life and that would itself constitute a bigger violation of his probation? What’s causing the reaction is something that the probation officer’s going to be very concerned about.”

Whatever it is, it should be dealt with.
The broken glass hazard to the crowd below the window should be enough for someone to do something. What if the next time he loses it he loses it towards a person?
Someone needs to show him that his actions have consequences!
[Image via WENN.]