A Peeps Movie In The Making?! Get The Deets On These Sweets Jumping From Easter Baskets To The Big Screen!

We’ve already seen the secret lives of bugs, toys, fish, monsters, cars, planes, and some adorably lovable Legos.
And now, the time has come to reveal just what it’s like to be… a Peep!
The marshmallow Easter candy is coming to theaters in their own movie, according to Hollywood reports! Producer Adam Rifkin and his partners just purchased the rights to tell the story of these sweet treats!
What is that story you ask?
Rifkin and co. plan on adapting these chick-shaped snacks into a tale of adventure, which takes place the night before a diorama contest. Our main Peep character will get split up from his fluffy flock and have to traverse the fantasy lands of other shoeboxes in order to find his way back home!
OK. We can get down with that! A bit derivative but hey, what isn’t these days!
There├óΓé¼Γäós no announcement as far as a release date but we├óΓé¼Γäóve got a feeling this movie will be released sometime in the spring, around the holiday — when the kids are home to eat it up!
And as far as movie snacks go, we know what we’ll be chomping on during the flick!
Cadbury eggs, duh! You can’t eat the main character during his own movie!
[Image via Peeps.]