Kim Cattrall

R. Kelly Believes His Ex-Wife 'Brainwashed' Their Children Against Him

It couldn’t be that the sh*t has hit the fan, and now R. Kelly must deal with the real-life fallout of years of alleged bad behavior and sexual misconduct — it’s gotta be brainwashing, right?! Uhhhh…
That’s apparently what the R&B singer believes in regards to his own daughter’s powerful condemnation of her dad — per TMZ, the crooner allegedly believes his ex-wife brainwashed the girl against him!
Related: Kelly WAS Married To Aaliyah When She Was 15 Years Old…
As unlikely as that sounds (of course it’s bull sh*t!!!), sources close to Kelly claim that the R&B singer isn’t actually mad at his daughter Joann Lee Kelly (AKA Buku Abi) for calling him a monster… rather, he’s furious with his ex-wife, Drea Kelly, for what he believes is brainwashing the girl against him.
R. Kelly takes it a step further, too, and apparently believes Drea has brainwashed all three children against him — again conveniently ignoring the question of whether, ya know, his own behavior could have actually played a role here.
The kids are all adults now, and free to make their own choices without Drea around to tell ’em what to do anyways, and the disgraced singer still hasn’t made headway in building a relationship with any of them, per the report.
Related: 5 Things We Learned From Lifetime’s Surviving R. Kelly
That alone ought to be pretty telling.
Doesn’t sound like there’s any brainwashing here. Just sh*tty parenting from an allegedly very sh*tty man…
[Image via Instagram.]