More Sextuplets Dramaz!

Thank goodness these children are too young to understand what’s going on with their parents! (Therapy for that many kids would be HARSH!)
New details are arising about the troubled times between Bryan and Jennifer Masche, parents on the hit WE show, Raising Sextuplets. Well before the violent incident that landed Bryan behind bars, the couple were facing some serious marital issues. The final straw that allegedly ruined their relationship was when Jennifer met up with an old boyfriend when she was supposed to be “re-assessing her relationship with Bryan.”
According to friends of the couple, a few months ago, Jennifer was set to go on a “prayer retreat” with some girlfriends in San Diego. Just before leaving, she heard from an old boyfriend she had dated over 15 years ago. He was going to be in the area as well and wondered if the two could meet up. Unbeknownst to her hubby, Jennifer agreed. Things were alright, until Bryan found out about their little date and started harassing the guy and his wife!
The source says his anger stemmed from having “major trust issues” with Jennifer at the time, but we think he might just have issues, period. Granted, the woman shouldn’t have lied to him, but we’re beginning to think this guy’s MO is to fly off the handle whenever things get a bit out of control!
Rein it in, buddy! These are the kinds of personality flaws judges take into account when granting custody in divorce hearings! Just saying!