Real Housewife Kim Zolciak Sued By... Her Mom??

Someone thinks Kim Zolciak isn’t mom enough for her kids.
The person she learned momming from in the first place – her mother Karen Zolciak!
Kim’s mother says the Real Housewives star hasn’t been letting her see her grandbabies!
In fact, Karen says she hasn’t even met her latest grandson!
Now the grandmother is petitioning the court to force Kim to give her visitation rights, arguing that without her grounded presence, the kids’ lives are far too hectic.
You know, what with family feuds and lawsuits and such!
Karen claims that her famous daughter is only keeping her at a distance to provide drama for her reality show. We’ll find out what the judge thinks soon!
We hope that everything works out for the best – for the kids!
[Image via WENN.]