Rebel Wilson Says Robin Williams' Performance In Night At The Museum 3 Will Make You Sob!

Robin Williams may be gone, but one of his most emotional performances may be yet to come.
According to his Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb co-star Rebel Wilson, the famed funnyman’s final scene in the film had her weeping.
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And she thinks audiences may have the same reaction. In an interview with KIIS FM on Thursday morning, Rebel said that [SPOILER ALERT] Robin saying goodbye as Theodore Roosevelt is almost too sad to handle. She said:

“It’s just so emotional because in the movie his character knows he’s not going to be alive the next day and he gives this speech and it was just me and my assistant Katie just sitting in this screening room just crying. It’s super, super emotional.”

Ahh! Too sad!
[ Video: Night At The Musem Cast Heads To London In New Trailer ]
Rebel has joyous memories of working with Robin too. In fact, she remembers one day on set that she’ll treasure forever. She said:

“He watched me in a scene with Ben Stiller and called me over to his trailer afterwards and he just said, ‘I think you’re such a great improviser and you’re so funny.’
I was so shocked that the Robin Williams was speaking to me and the fact that he was watching me for the last four hours and wanted to tell me all this stuff about comedy for about two hours. It was just, I couldn’t believe I got to have that time with him and how cool.”

Yet another example of Robin touching lives wherever he went.
[Image via BauerGriffinOnline/20th Century Fox.]