Save The Environment In Style With REMYXX Recyclable Shoes!

Saving the trees and going green never looked so FAB!
Created as the world’s FIRST 100 percent landfill-free, recyclable shoes, REMYXX allows your feet to feel comfy and chic, as well as delivering a powerful message on sustainability.
Creator Gary Gagnon states that every single piece of these sneakers is sustainable, so when you’re done with your particular pair of sneaks, you can turn them into something else.
Even another pair of REMYXX shoes!!!
Check out Gary and REMYXX’S Kickstarter page (HERE) to find out more on how to support this new endeavor.
The creator and his brainchild will also air on Shark Tank this Friday so don’t miss that either!
OR you can check out the REMYXX website (HERE) and Facebook page (HERE)!