Research Shows Human Hands Evolved For Fighting

Did human hands evolve to fight or make tools?
Researchers believe it may be the former, and our hands are the way they are because nature wanted humans to fight!
Compared with apes, humans have shorter palms and fingers, and stronger, longer, flexible thumbs.
And while the old theory is that this happened in order for humans to make tools, new research suggests it may also have occurred for violent reasons.
Here’s what a researcher said:

“The role aggression has played in our evolution has not been adequately appreciated. There are people who do not like this idea but it is clear that compared with other mammals, great apes are a relatively aggressive group with lots of fighting and violence, and that includes us. We’re the poster children for violence.”

We guess that’s why our hands can make fists!
Although we subscribe to the theory of love and not violence – it is interesting to note that nature may intend to use violence if absolutely necessary.
The key phrase, however, is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!!