Richard Gere Is Given Food By A Woman Who Thought He Was Homeless! Find Out What Happened When She Learned His REAL Identity!

What an AH-Mazing story!
A French mom and her family were touring New York City after a meal in Little Italy, when she saw a homeless man near a trash can. She was carrying their leftovers and gave them to the man.
Well, it turned out that man was Richard Gere in character for his upcoming film! The family had stumbled right into a shot!
Karine Gombeau has been identified as the woman, and she explained their entire interaction, according to the NYPost:

“What’s in the bag?” Gere, 64, asked.
“I tried to tell him in English, but it came out half in French,” she said.
“I said, ‘Je suis désolée [I am sorry], but the pizza is cold.’ ”
Apparently, millionaire beggars can’t be choosers.
“He said, ‘Thank you so much. God bless you,’ ” Gombeau recalled.

Aww! He never even broke character!
And the 42-year-old French momma only found out when someone at the hotel she was staying at showed her a picture of herself and Gere in The Post. She said:

“It was magical . . . It’s crazy, this story. It’s unimaginable that something like this could happen. I think he’s very handsome, even at his age. Pretty Woman was not my favorite movie, but I ­really loved Chicago. It leaves me really sad to know we waste food and they have nothing. It really moves me.”

It just goes to show that you never know who you are helping when you act out of the kindness of your heart!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]