Potential Presidential Candidate & Republican Rick Santorum Expresses Support For Bruce Jenner -- Read The Conservative Politician's Stance On Bruce's Transition HERE

We admit this revelation is a bit surprising.
On Saturday, the ultra conservative and former Senator Rick Santorum expressed support for Bruce Jenner.
[ Related: Brody Shuts Down Speculative Headline Involving Bruce & A Red Dress ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ Says ‘Have Some F*ckng Respect’! ]
Santorum, who might run for President in 2016, is well-known for his extremely conservative views(R.S. once compared same-sex marriage to bestiality), where it concerns marriage equality and social justice.
When asked about Bruce’s plans to transition, however, the politician conveyed compassion and understanding towards the Olympian.
Rick revealed:

“If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman. My responsibility as a human being is to love and accept everybody. Not to criticize people for who they are. I can criticize, and I do, for what people do, for their behavior. But as far as for who they are, you have to respect everybody, and these are obviously complex issues for businesses, for society, and I think we have to look at it in a way that is compassionate and respectful of everybody.”

Hmm, that’s NOT what we were expecting!!
As for where Santorum stands on laws protecting the rights of the transgender community, he was less emphatic and clear-cut, saying:

“So these are tough issues. I haven’t got into the whole issue, and I don’t think the federal government should get into the whole issue of bathrooms. I think those are things that the business community and local agencies and organizations should deal with.”

Wait…how is denying the basic rights of a human being an example of compassion?
While it’s positive Rick’s views have evolved, we still hope they continue to grow!
So, what do YOU think of Santorum’s remarks?
[Image via WENN.]