Robin Thicke Reveals Miley Cyrus' Raunchy VMA Twerk Was Perfectly Planned!

We’ll never look at a foam finger the same way again…

Robin Thicke is finally speaking out about his infamous VMA performance with queen Miley, saying they rehearsed the number and knew exactly what was about to go down!

HEY! That’s not what Miles said a week ago!

Thickey revealed the stage time was a perfectly planned storm of sex, twerk, and tongue:

“We knew what we were getting ourselves into. We’re entertainers, and the VMAs [are] the perfect place for a little shock and awe. We kind of knew when we were in rehearsal and we were like, ‘Okay, if you touch me with your foam finger all over my crotch, obviously a few people are going to have something to say about this’. But that was the whole point!”

This new statement is slamming reports stating Robby was upset with what MileyBird did on stage!

He apparently loved the show, and thought it was exactly what they wanted:

“The whole point was to excite and provoke and entertain. I thought it was silly and funny. She was being humorous and naughty, but it wasn’t sexually charged at all.”

We’ll have to totally disagree with the last statement, since the performance was borderline x-rated, but we’re happy you accomplished what you sexily set out to do!

[Image via MTV]