Robin Williams' Widow And His Children Have Gone To Court To Fight Over His Estate

We were hoping things weren’t going to get more difficult for this family.
There’s no doubt Robin Williams‘ loved ones have been grieving, but now they’re adding another hardship to their life: fighting over who has the rights to his estate.
[ Related: Robin’s Eldest Son Speaks About His Tragic Passing ]
According to papers that were filed in December in the San Francisco superior court, Susan Schneider, the late comedian’s wife, accused Robin’s children of taking items without her permission.
She also asked the court to not allow Zelda, Zachary, and Cody to take jewelry, memorabilia, and other items that remain in the home she shared with Robin. Things that the Jumanji actor said his children can and should have.
Robin’s widow believes that since he wanted her to continue to live in their Tiburon, California home, the memorabilia left in that specific house should all be kept there.
Robin’s kids are countering against Susan’s accusations and her petition to change Robin’s trust agreement.
An attorney for the Williams children said:

“The Williams children are heartbroken that [the] petitioner, Mr Williams’s wife of less than three years, has acted against his wishes by challenging the plans he so carefully made for his estate.”

However, James Wagstaffe, the attorney for Susan responded to the claims, saying his client was just seeking guidance from the court about certain terms in the trust.
We sincerely hope this whole situation doesn’t turn into a nasty battle.
It’s understandable both sides want to hold onto what’s left of their loved one, but they should also honor his terms.
[Image via Apega/WENN.]