Ronald Reagan's Son Tweets That Men Should Sue Women For 'Sexual Arousal'! Dumbass Of The Day!

And this tweet is still up, folks!
Ronald Reagan‘s son Michael Reagan is apparently an idiot who doesn’t understand that how someone dresses shouldn’t have any effect on his behavior, and we suppose we’re glad he made us aware of that! Isn’t it nice when assholes reveal themselves? At least then we know to avoid them!
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On Thursday, the President of the Reagan Legacy Foundation (!!!) tweeted:

Men should sue, he says! This is a grown ass man!!!
He wasn’t done though. Prior to that gem was a tweet that pretty much defended Bill O’Reilly.

The first tweet has 2.3K replies and it warms our heart to think of his phone blowing up with notifications stating how stupid he is. Thank you, Internet!
Check out some of the best replies (below)!

It’s so depressing to think of all the men just like this clown who have the same asinine mentality. Our president, for example.
Fix it, Jesus!
[Image via Twitter.]