Disgusting! Woman Working For Conservative Site BUSTED Posing As Roy Moore Accuser!

This is what happens when someone listens to Donald Trump‘s cries of “fake news” — and actually believes them!
After The Washington Post published an expos├â┬⌐ featuring the accounts of four women who said Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore preyed on them when they were teens — including Leigh Corfman, who said Moore molested her when she was just 14 and he was 32 — a disturbingly large faction of the GOP backed their guy, instead going after the women.
They continued to defend him even after five more women came forward, saying it was a liberal media hoax.
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Well, apparently one woman set out to prove it was all a lie by reaching out to the Washington Post with a fake story of being impregnated by Moore when she was a teen.
Reporter Beth Reinhard, co-author of the initial Moore story, first smelled something fishy when Jaime T. Phillips came forward with her story — but seemed way too interested in asking about the political outcome. When Reinhard told her the story needed to be fact-checked and asked for corroborating documents, Phillips said she felt “anxiety & negative energy” and asked to be paired with a different reporter instead.
That’s when the investigators noticed other parts of her story didn’t add up. Her phone number had the wrong area code for where she said she was from, her supposed employer said they didn’t have someone by that name working there.
What they did find under that name? A GoFundMe asking for money to help fund a move to New York City “to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt of the liberal MSM.”
Yep, Phillips apparently just got a job working for a group called Project Veritas which hires “undercover reporters” to do sting operations to try to uncover fake news. They lie to other news organizations to try to get them to say they’re OK with lying to get the political end they want.
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Except, the Moore story isn’t fake news. The Post isn’t fake news. They’re real journalists, and they figured her out. They even confronted her with her true intentions, at which point she said she didn’t want to talk anymore.
On Monday morning they watched Phillips walk into the offices of Project Veritas.
As for why they’re revealing all this off-the-record information? Executive Editor Martin Baron explains:

“We always honor ├óΓé¼╦£off-the-record’ agreements when they’re entered into in good faith. But this so-called off-the-record conversation was the essence of a scheme to deceive and embarrass us. The intent by Project Veritas clearly was to publicize the conversation if we fell for the trap. Because of our customary journalistic rigor, we weren’t fooled, and we can’t honor an ├óΓé¼╦£off-the-record’ agreement that was solicited in maliciously bad faith.”

This wasn’t the only dishonest attempt at discrediting the women coming forward against Moore. There have also been reports of calls from people posing as Post reporters offering money for info that would hurt Moore; the Post has a strict policy against paying for information in stories and did not pay any of the women who accused Roy Moore.
OK, Trump. In this case, you are allowed to call this Jaime T. Phillips woman and her fellow frauds “fake news.”
Go ahead. We’ll wait.
In the meantime, we highly recommend reading the full story of this busted fraud HERE!
[Image via YouTube.]