Rupert Everett No Longer Turned On By Sex! Bummer!

Rupert Everett‘s wild days are gone, and with them have passed his attraction to sex! Such a bummer! At 53 that’s WAY too young not to get revved up by some sexy times!
The gay Shrek star blames it on his indulgent youth — partying, doing drugs, going to raves. Now, all that stuff bores him, annoys him, and SEX is definitely on that list!
Here’s what he said:

“I always thought I’d be found, aged 70, in a tie-dyed T-shirt haunting a toilet or at some rave in Miami. I didn’t see myself ever stopping that kind of lifestyle, because I loved it so much. I can’t think of anything worse than going out now… I find people who take drugs quite irritating now. I had so much sex all the way through my life that by not having it, I now have much more energy for other things. I would really like to do more work – proper work, not just slagging around trying to get jobs in family-viewing fairytales in Hollywood.”

Well if that’s the life that makes you happy, we are in no place to tell you otherwise! Though, we might not agree about some things, we DO want you to be happy!
We just wonder how the young Brazilian accountant you’ve been dating feels — but if he’s into it to, more power to you guys!
[Image via WENN.]