Rupert Grint Gets Mistaken For Ed Sheeran & He Has The BEST Response For The Mix Up!

Well, he COULD be taking a polyjuice potion for all we know!
Jokes aside, we love that Rupert Grint is such a good sport about this whole thing!
It seems that people, quite frequently, mistake the Harry Potter star for Ed Sheeran!
Because they’re both gingers? Because they’re both known for making magic?
Well, we guess they DO look KIND of similar! But the mistaken identities isn’t even the best part!
The AH-MAZING thing about the situation is that Rupert has admitted to playing along with those people who think he’s Ed!!
He said:

‘People think I├óΓé¼Γäóm Ed Sheeran. They compliment me on my music career and I just play along with it! It├óΓé¼Γäós never too bad, you get the odd person staring at you but it├óΓé¼Γäós pretty manageable.’

Awww! That’s the way to go about it, Rupert!
Just take the compliments and run with it!
We’re sure Ed would do the same for you! LOLz!