Russell Brand Gets Community Service, Court Fine For iPhone Incident!

As we mentioned yesterday, Russell Brand was indeed charged with the iPhone toss incident back in March, while filming in New Orleans!
While he won’t have to serve jail time for swinging the phone at the pesky pap, it looks like he WILL have to pitch in for some community service!
This morning during his court arraignment, Russy was ordered to pay a $500 court fee, as well being ordered to perform 20 hours of community service.
Though he wasn’t in court, his attorney pled not-guilty for him.
As far as that one count of a misdemeanor? Looks like as long as Brand finishes his community service by August 31, he will NOT be charged with the misdemeanor of criminal damage to property!
Guess he’ll have to just take it as a lesson learned, we guess!
Hey, a little community service could do us all some good, LOLz!
[Image via WENN.]