Ryan Lochte Just Scored Another Endorsement Deal -- With A Very Appropriate Slogan...

Looks like Ryan Lochte is (slowly) getting back in business!
Even though his time on Dancing With The Stars was especially short-lived, the disgraced Olympic swimmer is trying to make a comeback, and now, he’s doing it with… Debt.com?!?!
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OK, so it’s not Speedo or any of his other old, cushy endorsement deals, but Lochte now has two companies under his belt for personal endorsements, and that’s… something?!
The swimmer already had a deal with Pine Brothers throat lozenges, and as of Tuesday, he’s adding Debt.com to his endorsement work, according to a report from TMZ.
When you look at Debt.com’s company slogan — “When life happens…” — uh, yeah, this new endorsement totally makes sense! Ha!!
All we know right now is that Lochte is set to appear in a few ads for the company about America being the land of new beginnings, or some such redemptive message.
Considering his actions in Rio last month at the Olympics, he’ll have to move slow with this.
But according to Lochte himself, part of his proceeds from this deal will be donated to a muscular dystrophy charity. That’s sweet!!
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Safe to say he’s trying to put his toe back in the water and test the public’s reaction to him. We can’t wait to see how these commercials turn out!!
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[Image via Cousart/JFX Images/WENN.]