Fans Petition To Have Ryan Reynolds Host Saturday Night Live -- But Only As Deadpool! Vote On Which Ryan YOU Would Rather See!

Ryan Reynolds‘ superhero flick Deadpool has broken several box office records, already has a sequel in the works, and has generated tons of new fans for the fourth-wall-breaking Merc with a Mouth.
Well the good news is we might be seeing the Marvel hero back in action sooner than you think thanks to a petition that’s calling for the foul mouthed character to host Saturday Night Live!
Video: James Corden Auditions To Be Deadpool’s Sidekick!
The petition — which already has over 57,000 signatures — is asking for Reynolds to dress up and host the late night sketch show in character as Deadpool!
Andrew Stege, the creator of the petition asks fans:

“How would this not be hilarious having Deadpool in sketches, breaking the 4th wall, and inserting some of his brand of humor (obviously toned down a bit for network television)!?!?!”

With so much love for the anti-hero, would you prefer to see Deadpoll host SNL or Ryan Reynolds has his hunky, lovable self?!

If you’re on board with Deadpool hosting SNL make sure you check out and sign the petition HERE!
[Image via 20th Century Fox/Instagram/Dominic Chan/WENN.]