Sally Field Is All About Fixing Her Son Up With Olympic Figure Skating Sensation Adam Rippon!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?!
Sally Field is making it known that she wants her 30-year-old son, Sam Greisman, to start dating American Olympic figure skating darling Adam Rippon, based on a pair of hilarious tweets sent out last night!!
Related: 5 Fast Facts About Adam Rippon!
The actress ha apparently been bugging her son (pictured together, above) — who is a writer and director himself — about how incredibly pretty Rippon (inset) is after watching him on the Olympics, and last night, Greisman shared a snippet of what Field thinks to his Twitter account (below):

Field herself quote-tweeted it with a not-so-subtle follow-up… directly to Adam Rippon!
Look (below)!

Nothing like mom telling it like it is and trying to get a boyfriend for her son.
No response yet from Rippon, but at least there’s absolutely no doubt as to what Sally Field thinks!! Ha!!
[Image via WENN/ABC.]