Salma Hayek Says Even She Couldn't Talk Sense Into Donald Trump -- Watch!

Aside from all the racist, misogynistic, and just plain stupid things that Donald Trump has said, one of the most controversial ideas that the GOP candidate has come up with is building a wall along the Mexican border.
Well, Salma Hayek stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! Tuesday night where the late night host suggested maybe if Trump met the charming brunette beauty, he might change his mind.
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Well unfortunately, Salma revealed the businessman won’t listen to her, but she did say he’s not the problem as “everybody’s entitled to their own madness.”
She thinks what we really need is to “talk sense into the people who are not seeing the madness!” LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out the HIGhlarious interview (below) and let us know your thoughts on Donald’s wall!

Make sure you catch Jimmy Kimmel Live! when it airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST on ABC!
[Image via ABC/Judy Eddy/WENN.]