You Might Think Salma Hayek Eating A Cricket Is Gross -- But It's Actually Unbelievable Sexy! WATCH!

Um, we totally understand that you need to get your daily protein and nutrients and all, but this is a little gross.
When it comes to eating, Salma Hayek is a bit of a daredevil!
The actress filmed herself chowing down on a cricket — yes, a cricket — on Saturday and shared it on Instagram for all to witness.
[ Related: Salma Claims She’s Always Been ‘Borderline Chubby’ ]
Granted the insect was cooked, but still!
Watch her munch on the bug (below)!

Mmm, sounds crunchy. LOLz!
Who knew bug eating could be so DAMN hot!
[Image via Salma Hayek/Instsagram.]