Samuel L. Jackson Loves The Olympics!

Samuel L. Jackson has been taking to Twitter to profess his love for the Olympics.
He’s not just reading about and catching highlights of the major events, he’s commenting on the lesser followed events.
He wrote:

“So, men’s gymnastic team rocked! Let’s cheer these girls thru too! USA GYMUPHUGGINASTERS!!!”

“That Japanese Superman dudes’ cape keeps gettin’ caught shit! 3falls, 3events! These gymnastics gonna be good for Thrills & Laffs!”

“Woke up to 16 yr old Ariel Hsing dusting ass in Ping Pong for USA!! btw, when did BB gun become an Olympic sport?”

“Water Polo!!! As dope as always! Speed, tuffness, durability. STRONG SWIMMAFOUGKAHZ!”

“Dope Ass start for the women gymnasts! Feeling’ good about our chances! These “judgement” sports are sketchy…@ best!”

“Hey y’all, more Water Polo dopeness! US vs Hungary, HOTTNESS in a shoot out!!”

“Maggie Steffans went IN in Water Polo scoring 7 goals of US 14 vs Hungary! Go USA!”

“BIG UPS to the UK Gymnasts! Legendary performance!”

“Women’s Soccer team goes thru UNDEFEATED! Hell Yeah! Go USA!!!”

“A TALKING BACK RED CARD!!! More SKETCHY judge/ ref Shit!!!”

“OK, there were some real fashion fuckups in that parade of nations! Some I understand, others……..”

“OK, shit that makes us feel good. That Chinese gymnast FACEPLANTED! Another reason it’s not just good enuf to compete!”

“Who y’all got for that Badminton GOLD?!”

“I’m hearing Malaysia might be bringing Badminton noise!”

So funny!
He’s so pumped about the Olympics, and we mean alllll of the Olympics.
Way to root for all of Team USA!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]