San Diego Zoo Baby Gorilla Delivered Via C-Section Is Feeling Much Better And Has Been Introduced To Her Mother! Watch The Precious Vid HERE!

We’re so glad she’s feeling better!
A baby gorilla at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park was born on March 12th, and had a rough time of it for a few weeks.
The poor lil’ one had to have surgery for a collapsed lung not too long after being born via emergency C-section delivery, and even had pneumonia at one point. During that whole excruciating experience, the female baby gorilla was under intense care at the veterinary clinic.
But the newborn gorilla has recovered nicely, and recently got to meet her mother Imani and other family member for the very first time!
Here’s what senior keeper Matt Gelvin said:

“Veterinary staff felt confident in the baby’s health to release her from the hospital. This morning we brought her back to the house where she’s started visual introductions to the troop. Everyone is very excited to see the baby ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ very curious.”

We’re so glad the baby cutie is now breathing on her own, and drinking lots of milk formula!
All of which are giant steps towards releasing her to live with her adorable family!
Check out a sweet Instagram video (below) and a longer more emotional video of this gorilla cutie father down (below) !!!

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[Image via Instagram.]