Sandra Bullock Was NOT Having Matt Lauer's Creepiness In This 2009 Today Interview!

Is there an interview where Matt Lauer DIDN’T casually comment on a woman’s body?
We’ll let you know if we find it — but for now, watch this clip of the former Today host letting Sandra Bullock know his screensaver is a naked pic of her.
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The actress fell victim to the disgraced journalist’s creepiness back in 2009 when she was promoting The Proposal. For those who forgot, Sandy had a nude scene with Ryan Reynolds in the romantic comedy, and let’s just say it was ALL Matt could talk about.
Being the pro that she is, the actress kept her composure throughout the uncomfortable quips — she even called Matt out for seemingly ogling her breasts while joking that her naked pic was his screensaver.
Watch the awkwardness (below)!

[Image via NBC.]