Sarah Palin Vs. Azealia Banks! The Celeb Feud So Strange -- And Salacious -- You've Gotta See It To Believe It!

This is just… ugly.
Azealia Banks and Sarah Palin are locked in a tacky, bizarre celeb feud right now that started with a misunderstanding, continued with some horribly disgusting sexual comments, and now… it’s Internet lore forever.
Related: Azealia Goes On A Homophobic Rant!
After reading a satirical article about the former Alaska Governor that claimed she asserted black people accepted slavery “willingly,” Banks mistakenly took that piece as truth and went OFF on Twitter about Palin.
The result — which has now been deleted from her feed — saw Banks engage in a series of extremely sexually violent tweets.
We have the screenshots (below), but be warned — they are NSFW and very, very graphic:

Palin had every right to fire back at Banks, and she did — in a Facebook post very strongly condemning the sexually violent language!
She also hinted at ensuring that her daughters won’t be listening to Banks in the future, either (below):

Hey Female Rapper – listen up, little darling. No one has any idea what you’re wigging out about in these bizarre, violent rants against me, but you’re obviously not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you’ve been sucked into believing some fake interview in which I supposedly offered comments representing the antithesis of my truth.
In this life, you’re blessed to have been given an influential platform. So have I. Why don’t we strengthen both our platforms and work together on something worthwhile – like condemning racism, along with empowering young women to defend themselves against a most misogynist, degrading, devastating assault perpetrated by evil men – rape.
Thanks. And now I’ll go through my young daughter’s playlist to make sure there hasn’t been any inadvertent addition of any anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse, which perpetuates the cultural challenges we face in America. I encourage other parents to do the same.
God bless you Ms. Banks, as you consider a change of heart.

Whoa! So reasonable from Palin…
But wait! There’s more!
Related: Azealia Banks Allegedly Bit A Female Security Guard’s Boob!
The first piece of added drama came in the fact that Palin originally wrote “condoning racism” instead of “condemning racism.” See a screenshot (below):

Come on, Sarah… just when we were starting to get on your side… but at least she edited it?
Banks, of course, has been tweeting quite a bit after the controversy, even linking her own mentality to that of another famous person involved in a very big news story on Tuesday:

And Banks even took shots at the former Guv using Tina Fey‘s portrayal:

Related: Azealia Disses Rihanna’s Work Video!
All around, just… bad. All bad.
What do U think about this wackiness??
[Image via NBC/Carsten Windhorst/WENN.]