School Responds To Charlie Sheen's Dog Shiz & Rotten Egg Twitter Rant!

This isn’t surprising!
Last night, Charlie Sheen asked his fans to drop off dog poo and rotted eggs and to teepee his daughter Sam‘s school after he found out that she was bullied, and now, his cupcake’s school is speaking out on his rant.
They said:

Viewpoint School’s highest priority is the safety, security and education of our students. Like all responsible schools across our nation, we are concerned when any individual uses a social media forum to encourage actions that may risk the safety and security of any school.
The parent of a former Viewpoint School student who has not attended Viewpoint School since March, 2012 has made certain accusations in the media. Viewpoint School first became aware of these accusations last year. Our administrators addressed the issue appropriately at that time. Our School takes accusations of bullying very seriously. For over 50 years, Viewpoint School has provided a safe and nurturing environment for our students to thrive, and we will continue to do so.”

However, even with this statement, we can kind of see where the actor is coming from.
His 9-year-old daughter was apparently teased about her looks, hair, skin and even about how Charlie got FIRED from Two and a Half Men.
But the crazy thing is, Sheen actually pulled Sam out of Viewpoint last March, so we don’t understand why he even went cray.
Who knows, maybe he just felt like stirring up some DRAMz!
What do U think?!?
[Image via HRC/WENN.]